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Refrigeration Remote Monitoring System

refrigeration remote monitoring system

Refrigeration remote monitoring system;  introduce Dixell/XWEB, which is the only brand/model that comes to mind when it comes to remote monitoring and control in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, due to its ease of use and affordability. We are all familiar with the product, but we think it is beneficial for all of us […]

Cold Storage of Meat

Cold Storage of Meat

Understanding the correct cold storage of meat whether frozen or chilled, is important if you want to produce that is as fresh, delicious, and safe as possible. Harmful bacteria begin to multiply in raw meat from the moment an animal is slaughtered, making storage an incredibly time-sensitive process. If you want or need to prolong […]

Refrigeration System Pipeline

Refrigeration System Pipeline

One of the tasks of a designer of the refrigeration system pipeline is to select the size of the various pipe runs in the systems and to specify the pipe materials, the placement, slope, and support of this pipe. The usual concern is to be sure to make the pipe large enough, but there are […]

Cold Storage Humidity Control

Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

The purpose of providing cold storage humidity control is to provide a constant relative humidity as much as possible. The equilibrium state of relative humidity in the cold storage; The characteristics of the product and package to be put into the warehouse, the way it is stacked in the cold storage, the surface areas and […]

Cold Storage of Apples Conditions

Cold Storage of Apple

Harvest and Post Harvest Processes  for Cold Storage of Apples Cold storage of apples there are issues to be considered during and after the harvest until the apple comes to the Cold Storage. It has to go through some processing. Apples are harvested before they reach eating death during the period defined as tree death […]

Calculating Cooling Load

Heat Load Calculation For cold room

The purpose of calculating cooling load is to choose the equipment in the cooling system cycle correctly and economically. If the cooling system elements are selected correctly, the system will work efficiently and for many years in a way that is expected. In this article, we will tell you how to calculate the cooling load […]

What is Blast Freezer Room

Blast Freezer Room

Simply put, the blast freezer room  is just a very low temperature cold store. This type of storage is usually for very rapid cooling and freezing of foodstuffs or fresh products. They are commonly used in the frozen food industry for things like ice cream, pre-prepared meals, and vegetables or fish. There are also industrial […]

Install Cold Room Panels

How To Install Cold Room

In this process, where food preservation and global warming are too much, many people are wondering how to install cold room panels. Cold room  installation is very important for long-lasting product use.  The first and most important condition for using the cold storage rooms for a long time without causing problems and giving the expected […]

BITZER has issued the manual “Fundamentals of Refrigeration”

  The manual ‘Grundlagen der Kältetechnik // Fundamentals of Refrigeration’ published by Volker Stamer, Director of the international BITZER training centre SCHAUFLER Academy, explains all there is to know about refrigeration. The bilingual manual contains a wealth of basic information in German and English for people who are just entering the industry, yet also serves […]