We produce the most suitable solutions for the companies we cooperate with and serve with environmental awareness.
Controlled Atmosphere Cold Storage
Controlled Atmosphere Cold Storage
Atmosphere controlled cold storages are cold storages with specially adjusted air information.
REVIEW Fish Cold Storage and Freezing
Fish Cold Storage and Freezing
To ensure high product quality in seafood, it must be frozen or refrigerated as soon as possible.
REVIEW Meat and Meatfoods Storage
Meat and Meatfoods Storage
Nowadays, it has become necessary to extend the shelf life and storage periods of foods, especially meat and meat products, with various preservation methods.
REVIEW Fruit and Vegetable Storage
Fruit and Vegetable Storage
Since fruits and vegetables are perishable foods, it is very important to store these foods at appropriate temperatures and/or appropriate humidification conditions.
REVIEW Banana Ripenning Room
Banana Ripenning Room
Banana, one of the most produced fruits in the world, is harvested in green.
REVIEW Sprial Freezer
Sprial Freezer
Spiral coolers are a highly efficient freezing system for freezing large amounts of products in a limited area.