Fish Cold Storage and Blast Freezing

Fish Cold Storage and Freezing

To ensure high product quality in seafood, it must be frozen or refrigerated as soon as possible. Frigo System offers suitable solutions for all your cooling needs throughout the fish processing process, from processing to storage.

Shocking devices are used to freeze products to be placed in cold storage as soon as possible without damaging their properties.

Cooling Systems are designed by Frigo System to operate reliably and with maximum efficiency.

Special type evaporators are used for Fish Blast Freezer

Fish Cold Storage Depots; We provide project planning, commitment, modernization works, system installations, existing system technical support services with our expert teams. For Fish Cold Rooms and similar projects, you can contact us from the contact menu.


  • Suitable  storage temperature
  • Protecting the product from dehydration
  • Freezing time
  • The transportation of the product to the warehouse